Thursday, September 23, 2010

sulimov dog jackal dog hybrid

These guys are great at working russia's airports...

Zorro short eared dog

Found in amazonian rainforest - someone is testing it's behaviour by keeping it as a pet, lovely tail...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

chongqin dog

Chinese Chongqing Dog is an ancient and unique breed, thought to have been in existence since the Han dynasty in China. The origin of this breed is Chongqing, located in the southwestern region of the China. The Chinese Chongqing Dogs are used for hunting (scent hound) and protection of the home, they are good working dog and family companion. Few people know the breed in the world. It is even rare in China.

The Chinese Chongqing Dog is noble, alert, intelligent, and dignified. They are good with children, but can be aggressive with dogs they are not familiar with. You should be careful when taking them for walks. The Chongqing Dog should not be trusted with non-canine pets. In the past they have been used for hunting rabbits and wild boars and most of them still retain the instinct to chase other animals. However, if they are raised with cats and other small animals such as chickens, ducks, or geese, they can live happily along side them because they can be taught that these animals are their masters property. The Chinese Chongqing Dog is fearless, powerful and muscular. They make good guard dogs. In China, many are trained to protect their families and their belongings. This breed requires a dominant owner. The Chinese Chongqing Dogs are guard dog. If their owners are not with them, and a stranger approaches, the Chongqing Dog will heighten watchfulness and prepare for action. But if their owners are on the scene, it is different. When they see a stranger is friendly with their owners, they will be nice to them, even if their owners leave. They are independent and standoffish with strangers, but are extremely devoted to their family and trustworthy with children.

Because the Chinese Chongqing Dog's coat is very short and sparse, some will have skin problems, but it is not common in this breed. The Chongqing dog has been a working breed for thousands of years, specially for hunting and guarding properties. Natural selection has successfully eliminated undesirable traits in the breed. Furthermore, there has been little inbreeding and planned breeding among the Chongqing dog. Therefore, no known major health problems exist in the Chongqing dog.

The Chinese Chongqing Dog needs at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. They make good jogging companions. Males need more exercise than the females. The Chinese Chongqing dog is a natural hunter and should never be allowed to roam without supervision.

breeder in europe: